It is said that laughing is good for our health. How does that work?


It is said that laughing is good for our health. How does that work?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You release endorphins and endorphins make you feel better. Feeling better is synonymous with good health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I haven’t ever read anything that claims it actually it improves physical health directly.

But humans are very mental and social creatures too. People die from loneliness, die from sadness. So laughing, and the funny/good things that come with it/that cause it raise our spirits.

Keeping your spirits high can be just as important when going through medical treatment, because it increases your quality of life, it makes treatment of illness not feel so bad.

Because to an extent mind over matter is true. Yes laughing won’t cure cancer, but laughing/being happy can help make chemotherapy more bearable.

And it especially helps for smaller things like sickness and injuries, where soemtimes the best thing is just a distraction from feeling crappy while your body does it’s work to heal. Because if you have nothing to focus on but feeling crappy, it’s going to feel much much worse