It is said that modern chess sites can indentify when someone is playing with the help of a bot or mirroring plays from a mirror match in another site, but how? What does the computer do that professional chess players can’t do?


It is said that modern chess sites can indentify when someone is playing with the help of a bot or mirroring plays from a mirror match in another site, but how? What does the computer do that professional chess players can’t do?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One interesting point I read was about ‘natural’ moves rather than optimal moves. For example, if you’re a rook and a bishop up against a knight it would be natural to swap off bishop/knight to get to an end game you know you will win. Going through a complex combination which wins more quickly, but relies on no mistakes in calculation, is an indicator of possible misbehaviour!

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