It is said that modern chess sites can indentify when someone is playing with the help of a bot or mirroring plays from a mirror match in another site, but how? What does the computer do that professional chess players can’t do?


It is said that modern chess sites can indentify when someone is playing with the help of a bot or mirroring plays from a mirror match in another site, but how? What does the computer do that professional chess players can’t do?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the moment, the biggest tell tale sign is that the player is taking a relatively constant time between moves, regardless of the board state. Computers have no sense of any moves being more obvious than another so will take just as long analyzing a position whose next move is obvious to a human as one that requires more thinking by a human.

The end result is humans will vary how long they take to think about a move depending on the specific circumstances of the game at the moment, whereas a computer will take just about the same amount of time regardless.

As far as mirror matching, if you have a database of all games played, it’s a simple matter to see how closely your moves so far match the moves in your database of games.

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