it’s 2023 but why isn’t there any strong adhesives that won’t damage the paint when ripping them off?


Painters tape can hardly handle any weight, you deal with stubborn residues and damaged paint with Blu tacks, same with most tapes out there. Why is it so challenging to create something paint-safe and yet strong enough to hold some weight?

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5 Answers

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You want your adhesive to be **really sticky** so it can hold weight without coming off the wall.

You also want your adhesive to be **not sticky** (only very slightly) so that paint doesn’t stick to it when you remove it.

You see the problem? The reason painters tape only sticks a little is because you *want* it to only hold its own weight (plus whatever paint gets on it). That way you minimize the risk of any paint sticking to it and coming off when you remove the tape.

Things can’t be simultaneously very sticky and not very sticky (at least not to the same material, i.e. the painted surface). But there is a solution to this that has been mentioned elsewhere ITT: you can make an adhesive that is very sticky to begin with, but can be turned into a less sticky material. One way to do this is by making it stretchy. If your adhesive can normally support, say, 100 grams per cm^(2), then when you stretch it out, the same adhesive strength is now spread out over a larger area, meaning that at any given point, it sticks to things less strongly.

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