It’s been more than 40 years since the first successful space shuttle launch. However, as we saw with the recent NASA launch, we still have launch failures. Why is it so tough to achieve reliability in space shuttle launches? Does this apply to all space technology?


It’s been more than 40 years since the first successful space shuttle launch. However, as we saw with the recent NASA launch, we still have launch failures. Why is it so tough to achieve reliability in space shuttle launches? Does this apply to all space technology?


28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

All these people who are saying space travel is hard are totally missing the point. With modern NASA every achievement is in spite of the government. The money and contracts that NASA gets their parts from are managed by Congress. That is to say manged by utter morons. The Space Shitte program was an utteyr failure because of them, and the only reason anyone thinks it good is because of nostalgia and really good media optics. Similarly the SLS program (which I presume you are talking about) is also a flying heap of garbage. We have the technological capability to make the space shuttle look like a child’s toy and it is only the morons in Congress and their greedy defense contractor bosses that are in our way

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