It’s been more than 40 years since the first successful space shuttle launch. However, as we saw with the recent NASA launch, we still have launch failures. Why is it so tough to achieve reliability in space shuttle launches? Does this apply to all space technology?


It’s been more than 40 years since the first successful space shuttle launch. However, as we saw with the recent NASA launch, we still have launch failures. Why is it so tough to achieve reliability in space shuttle launches? Does this apply to all space technology?


28 Answers

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The reason why we have failures so often is because the technology and the physics are incredibly complex. When you’re launching a rocket, you need to make sure that the three ignition systems are working perfectly, that there isn’t a single screw out of the tens of thousands loose, that the weather could not possibly pose a problem. There is so much that could go wrong, and so much at stake (even if there aren’t people on board, launches are unbelievably expensive) that launches get cancelled quite frequently. However, there are so many variables that sometimes one gets missed, something goes wrong, and the launch fails

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