It’s said that the heart sends more information to the brain that the brain does to the heart. What are those information that the heart sends to the brain?


It’s said that the heart sends more information to the brain that the brain does to the heart. What are those information that the heart sends to the brain?

In: 37

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A nerve called the vagus nerve sends data from all the organs (including the heart) to the brain. Yes the heart sends the most. Among messages from other organs, the vagus nerve is basically the communication mechanism that tells the brain things like how fast the heart is beating or any cardiac issues. The brain understands the messages it receives in order to make appropriate decisions for the whole body. It is obviously far more complex but this is ELI5.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

HuckyBuddy thoroughly explained it, but I’ll see if I can simplify it a little more.

Imagine your heart is a patient, and your brain is a doctor 👨‍⚕️

To keep your heart happy & healthy, your brain needs to know a whole bunch about how mister heart is feeling.

Mister heart, on the other hand, mainly needs to know one thing: how fast or slow to beat 💓