I’ve heard moths and other insects may use the moon to navigate. But how can it help them figure out which direction they’re going when its position in the sky is always changing?


Over the course of a night the moon will make its way across the sky (or there will be no moon to see at all). Also from night to night the moon will be in a different position in the sky than it was at that time the night before. So how can insects use it to “guide” them in whatever direction they’re trying to migrate/navigate? If it were always in the same spot in the sky I could understand it, always keeping it to their left for instance, but how do they use it to go in the same direction when it could either be on their left or their right depending on the night/time?

In: 30

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bugs don’t need to navigate the earth.

They just want to reach the light.

They are aiming for the moon no matter where the moon might be.

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