might sound dumb but how do landlines work? Is it a public service/utility or do you have to pay to get the jacks in your house to work?


This might be stupid but I never really grew up in a time when people used home phones. My family, at least. The other day I realized there was a phone jack behind an end table in my house that I hadn’t noticed before and started thinking about it and having a lot of questions. Are these phone jacks a public service or utility, like water and electricity? Where do the jacks even go to? do they have a phone number already assigned to them or something? Like if I wanted to, could I just plug any old phone into the jack and have it work?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

back in the day. there was a dedicated POTS (plain old telephone service) line that was run to every single house. much like power, water, sewer, cable, etc. and there was a telecom provider that controlled it and you called them to activate it. they assigned you a phone number depending on your area. nowadays that POTS line is useless and landlines are not actual landlines, they are VoIP lines. which means they use the internet service to make phone calls, which means they can use the same cables as your internet service and they hook up to your router.

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