Mitosis vs Meiosis


Can someone put this into simple terms… thanks

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mitosis – a cell splits into two fully functional daughter cells, each with both copies of the parent’s genome.

Meiosis – a cell splits into two daughter cells, each with only a single copy of the parent’s genome, that are exclusively used to facilitate reproduction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mitosis: cell starts with a complete set of DNA, makes a copy, and then splits into two cells, each with a complete set of DNA. Those daughter cells then function as normal body cells.

Meiosis: cell starts with a complete set of DNA, makes a copy, and then splits into 4 cells, each with a half-set of DNA. Those daughter cells are now sex cells that will merge with another sex cell to create a new individual.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The difference between mitosis and meiosis is how much DNA the resulting cells have.

mi**T**osis (mi-TWO-sis) creates daughter cells that have **two** versions of each chromosome (the normal amount). Two daughter cells are made, each identical to the original.

mei**O**sis (mei-ONE-sis) creates daughter cells that have **one** version of each chromosome (this is specifically for making sex cells like sperm and eggs). Four daughter cells are made, each with half the DNA of the original.