Modern humans appeared 200,000; civilization 10,000; and advanced technology 500 years ago. Why no advancement for something like 190,000 years?


Modern humans appeared 200,000; civilization 10,000; and advanced technology 500 years ago. Why no advancement for something like 190,000 years?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s exponential. Certain discoveries make other pivotal discoveries possible. Agriculture is probably the main one. It took early humans that amount of time to figure out that planting certain seeds creates food, instead of being hunter-gatherers. Fire to cook food is a big deal because we get more calories from cooked foods than we do from raw foods, so we can get by with less food. From all of that, societal advances come faster. When you spend all of your waking hours searching for food, you’re not coming up with new technology.

There’s another interesting theory about how the switch from alcohol as primary drink to coffee/tea created The Enlightenment. That could be another factor in accelerating human progress.

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