modernism, post-modernism, and meta-modernism


Edit: preferably in relation to literature, art and cinema, but a handrail overview of the associated values would be cool too

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5 Answers

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Modernism was an era circa World War One where the emphasis was on form, beauty, minimalism, truth, kind of like getting to the bottom of what things Mean in the World. It also deals thematically with the fall from Grace “crisis of modernity” brought about by WWI and the beginning of mechanized war and the emotional fallout on that generation. Modernism de-emphasizes the creator/author and says you should consider the work on merits rather than through the lens of the historical context of the work and the author. Examples of literary modernism are Gertrude Stein, Hemingway, TS Elliot, Great Gatsby. Think about Gatsby as kind of an archetype of modernism.

Postmodernism, by contrast, was more historical and self-aware than modernism as a movement. Postmodern art references itself in a tongue in cheek way, like Lichtenstein’s cartoons or Andy Warhol’s pop art. Postmodernism is “in on the joke” in a way that modernism isn’t.

I don’t know what meta-modernism is! I’m not an expert in this stuff, just took a couple college classes in it.

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