Muscle mass vs muscle performance


I’ve always wondered how this works. I don’t have much muscle mass, in fact my arms kinda look like Finn’s from adventure time. All the time, I’ll see people in real life or on YouTube or wherever, who have way more muscle mass than me. Every time, I’m like “man, that person could probably do a billion times more pushups than I can.” Then I see someone with way more muscle mass than myself who can barely do the same number of pushups as I can. Obviously this isn’t always the case, but how is it possibly that some people can watch their diets, have intense workout regimes, build large amounts of muscle mass, but only be very slightly stronger??

In: Biology

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As muscle mass increases, so does a person’s overall body weight. If a person were to gain an extra 40 pounds of muscle, they require more muscle to move it around. Consider what would happen if you were to concentrate on leg conditioning while ignoring upper body. You may have been able to do 20 chin-ups before, but may not be able to do any if you’ve added a lot of mass to your legs without developing arms, chest and back