Muscle Memory – what is actually happening on a cellular level? How is it that my fingers know where the keyboard buttons are without conscious thought?


Muscle Memory – what is actually happening on a cellular level? How is it that my fingers know where the keyboard buttons are without conscious thought?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know about proprioception, and at one point in the progression of my multiple sclerosis (MS) I think I lost it. For a while, I couldn’t put a glass on the counter without looking at it, so it ended up on its side or on the floor. I couldn’t pick up something from a table except if I was actually looking at that thing.

I couldn’t look at something, then look away and still complete the action. It was extremely difficult to change how I operated, and I created a lot of messes as a result.

Is that really an MS thing, or was something else to blame?

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