Muscle Memory – what is actually happening on a cellular level? How is it that my fingers know where the keyboard buttons are without conscious thought?


Muscle Memory – what is actually happening on a cellular level? How is it that my fingers know where the keyboard buttons are without conscious thought?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The cerebellum is that structure at the back bottom part of your brain. When you do anything physical that part is watching. Think of it as a large figure 8 being drawn. You have to concentrate to get its shape right.

The more you repeat an action, the tighter the figure 8 gets. The tighter it gets the better you get. At some point the figure 8 is tight enough that the cerebellum doesn’t have to concentrate on the movement.

Even then there is a small feedback loop always watching to see if you did the movement right. You go from having to concentrate to the feedback system. The feedback is part of a self correcting system and helps you get even better.

Obviously more of the brain is involved and its not actually a shape, but thats how I envision it.

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