Is it the deeper the organ, the less effected? Yes, in the sense that the deeper the organ, the more it is shielded by the rest of your tissues in the way, no otherwise.
Are all types of cells equally effected? Yes and no. Yes, ionizing radiation tends to cause the worst damage by damaging DNA specifically; there isn’t cell-specific DNA that is just somehow more resistant to damage*, because it’s just a physical process during exposure. No, because not all cell types are the same, and different morphology can mean they won’t experience the damage the same–in addition, some cell times are long-lived, while others are short-lived, or some that are rapidly dividing. Severe damage to long-lived cells (like nerves) is quite bad. Severe damage to rapidly dividing cells can mean they no longer divide and are just lost. Severe damage to cells that aren’t meant to be around long, can mean they are just replaced without much incident.
*Might be complicated due to a number of biomolecular factors so might not be ‘technically’ true, but as a theme…
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