myth that humans only use 10% of their brain


ive heard this is a misconception, anyone care to explain?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean it’s pretty self-explanatory. We don’t just use 10% of our brains. That notion is false.

Our brains are constantly working and performing complex functions. It takes a lot just for it to process the light captured by the eyes and turn that into visuals, let alone understand what it is being seen. Same with hearing. The brain is constantly regulating bodily functions and creating consciousness.

Think this way: If you direct your eyes upwards looking at the ceiling, stand on one foot, and sing a song while bringing your finger to your nose, your brain is performing multiple complex functions beyond the ability of most computers. Between creating visuals, remembering the words, remembering the tune, knowing language enough to use the words, making your voice physically work, hearing your voice and interpreting it as sound, understanding language, recognizing the tune as a tune, knowing where your body is in the physical realm enough to touch your nose, interpret nerve stimulation as touch, recognize feel and temperature through touch, all while constantly making tiny adjustments to your posture in order to stay balanced and keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing. Takes way more than 10% of the brain to do all of that. And that’s not even all

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