myth that humans only use 10% of their brain


ive heard this is a misconception, anyone care to explain?

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7 Answers

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Brains are expensive. Very, very expensive. The more things you pack into them, the more expensive they are.

No organism would dedicate the amount of energy it takes to run a complex brain that does only 10% of what it’s capable of. That would be like designing a computer to use the energy to run an entire mansion with every room lit up but only have it capable of playing minesweeper.

The only vaguely correct part of that would be “at a time”, but even that’s not really true. Humans use 100% of their brain, but may not use it all at once. Close your eyes and your brain doesn’t lose the parts that are dedicated to visual coding and interpretation, but you aren’t using it either. Ergo, “100%” isn’t being used at that particular point, but will be when you open your eyes.

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