Nutrition Facts/Labels and “Superfoods”


Can someone please explain to me nutrition labels and superfoods. For example I have linked photos of a yogurt I purchased recently. This is labeled as crushed superfoods. Yet the nutrition label shows almost no significant vitamins. What am I missing? Or is this just junk food in disguise?


In: Other

6 Answers

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“Superfood” is a marketing term that can mean whatever the advertiser wants it to mean. In the case of yogurt, the health claims usually revolve around the bacterial cultures which can help some people with digestion. Those cultures do not have a line on the nutrition facts. Even “superfoods” whose claims are based on vitamin or mineral content might not be that impressive on the nutrition facts label either. Still, it’s never a bad idea to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whether or not they are marketed as “super”

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