One and for all: What (the hell) is the the difference between an analogy and a metaphor?


There were answers but no one of them really answer the questions (or not clearly enough).

Can you eventually save my life?

Edit: “Once and for all”, apologize me, I’m Italian.

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6 Answers

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A metaphor is a comparison between two things. Basically, you use a common trait.

An analogy is also a comparison, but in this case you try to “create a story” to highlight several common traits.

In a broad sense, a metaphor is poetic. An analogy tries to explain something in simpler terms.

For instance, if you say “a country is a family”, that’s a metaphor. But if you say “a country is a family: grandpa is our history, the parents are the working force, and the children is the future”, that’s an analogy, because you try to relate several comparisons about the same thing.

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