One and for all: What (the hell) is the the difference between an analogy and a metaphor?


There were answers but no one of them really answer the questions (or not clearly enough).

Can you eventually save my life?

Edit: “Once and for all”, apologize me, I’m Italian.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My 2c: a really good analogy is comparing air pressure systems with electronic circuits, you can just swap air flow for electrical current and so on, you’ll yield the same equations (up to some point).
A good example I can think of for a metaphor is actually from House MD: they probed some organ (cut out a small amount of tissue for analysis) and the test was negative, but someone unconvinced said „if you get a bucket full of water out of the ocean and there are zero fish in it, does that mean there are none in the ocean?“

More examples always help more than complex explanations when you’re struggling imo

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