One and for all: What (the hell) is the the difference between an analogy and a metaphor?


There were answers but no one of them really answer the questions (or not clearly enough).

Can you eventually save my life?

Edit: “Once and for all”, apologize me, I’m Italian.

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6 Answers

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An analogy is a story that is meant to explain a concept. Example: climbing the top of this mountain is similar to winning a game. You have to work hard to reach the peak, but it’s worth it in the end.

A metaphor is a direct comparison to a totally unrelated object, existing to visualize or support the original claim. Example: “your eyes are diamonds”. You’re comparing the brightness or shine of a person’s eyes to an object, but unlike an analogy, you aren’t trying to explain or demonstrate a concept, you’re just drawing a direct comparison to edify your claim.

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