(or 2!) Dying of old age, can you actually DIE because of the body being worn out, or is it always a disease or such? I read that if we cure every disease, we would live hundreds of years.

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Title! I don’t get it. Isn’t my finger getting worn from just being used for too long? Or will it eventually get worse because of something else?

In: Biology

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s this really important organ in your body that has been working since before you were born, it never stops, it’s always working, it stops and you die.

Your heart, your heart is always beating, how many systems organic or mechanical have that kind of power on run time? Like the fucking energizer bunny it just keeps going and going and going, you get the point.

Yes, your organs can wear out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I once put “old age” as the cause of death for a 94 year old patient. I was told I can’t do that. You’d be surprised how often “sepsis” is used as the medical version of “miscellaneous” because we can’t come up with anything more specific in the moment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chromosomes (bundles of DNA) have “caps” on the ends called telomeres that keeps the DNA from getting damaged when replicating.

Over time, the telomeres can shorten, leading to cellular senescence, i.e. aging.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Haha we would absolutely wear everything out. Can’t imagine living hundreds of years and wouldn’t want to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the US, nobody has died of ‘old age’ in decades. It is no longer considered a valid cause of death. You have to die OF something.

Anonymous 0 Comments

non medical answer here, my mother is 90 years old, she has been in the hospital once since I was born 60 years ago. However, she uses a walker and gets winded walking from one end of the house to the other. I would say her body is wearing out….I guess if curing disease would keep it wearing out so fast then maybe we could live longer but I would think it would take more than just curing disease to make us live 100s of years.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time and date of death is determined when soul enters body. Only the method of death can be altered.