Other than allowing people to believe whatever they want, what legal protection does Freedom of Religion actually offer?


From what I can tell, most things that are legal under Freedom of Religion would be legal anyway. People are free to believe whatever they want to believe, they are free to go to fan club meetings on Sundays, they are free to wear whatever jewelry they want, etc. Without the specific Freedom of Religion, what rights would actually be lost? Are there rights that only exist because of Freedom of Religion? Are practices like circumcision the result of Freedom of Religion? *Should* religious practices that would otherwise be illegal be allowed protection under Freedom of Religion?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Beyond what is inherently contained within whatever your country has along the lines of freedom of assembly and expression/speech (which gives you the right to get together with a bunch of friends to buy a hall and have a sing song), it gives a varying package of extra rights. They typically include:

– tax exemptions
– exemptions from anti discrimination laws
– relaxed rules for charity status
– protection from contractual obligations regarding things like haircuts or workplace dress codes
– easier avoidance of things like conscription
– reduced protection for children for things like vaccination.

On the whole, IMO that’s a bad thing

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