Palliative care, what’s it?


Palliative care, what’s it?

In: Other

10 Answers

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It’s basically about treatment where the goal is not to cure, but rather to manage symptoms and alleviate suffering.

For example, if someone is dying of lung cancer and there is no cure available. Just because there is no cure doesn’t mean we can’t do anything.

They can still get chemotherapy and radiotherapy to try to shrink the tumours or buy them more time. They can get painkillers to alleviate their pain. They can get laxatives to treat their constipation. They can get anti-sickness medication to treat their nausea. They can get sleeping tablets to treat their stress-related insomnia. They can get benzodiazepines to treat their anxiety. They can get oxygen and morphine to treat their breathlessness. They can get subcutaneous fluids to treat their thirst once they can no longer swallow. They can get antihistamines to treat itch caused by liver failure. They can be put in touch with support groups, religious ministers, cancer support charities, hospices, financial aid agencies, home carers, etc to treat their psychological needs.

Everything I mentioned here, and more, would come under palliative care.

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