Palliative care, what’s it?


Palliative care, what’s it?

In: Other

10 Answers

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Palliative care is aimed at improving quality of life, including pain management, stress, emotional and psychiatric care, and can even extend to things like spiritual care.

Palliative care is typically used for patients with terminal illnesses and incurable conditions. It’s aim is to reduce suffering and improve their quality of life as best as possible given the circumstances.

My Grandfather for example spent the last 6 months of his life in a palliative care facility. There were no illusions that he wasn’t going to recover from heart + respiratory failure so they focused on pain management and had an active DNR.

The facility allowed for 24/7 visitation by family and had an adjacent room where you could stay, relax, and even sleep if required. That way at least one of us was always present until he inevitably passed. They also had a priest oncall that would make frequent visits, which was important to my grandfathers well being.

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