Passing Gas while sleeping but not releasing a bowel movement


How does the body pass gas’s when sleeping but contain motor control to the muscles regulating bowel movements at the same time? In other words, how can we continue sleeping and pass gas, but not shart the bed?
Secondly, what mechanism makes us wake up to go the the bathroom if it’s serious enough to actually have a bowel movement (like if we were suffering from diarrhea and sick?). Same applies to urinating? How does the body know to hold it in, but when serious enough, wake us up?

In: 277

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It actually has a lot to do with potty training and how well a person takes to it as a child. People tend to fart either right before they go to bed and as soon as they wake up or as soon as they go to sleep and throughout the night here and there, and again it goes back to potty training. I read about this in some study that they did about potty training and something with adulthood. I don’t exactly remember what otherwise I would simply link it, but the two are very interlinked according to the study that I read. Supposedly people who took to the potty training really well as a child are the ones who have to fart before they can go to sleep and do not fart during sleep, and are the ones who have to fart immediately when they wake up because basically, not to be crass, but there butt hole has been trained so well to stay shut while they’re asleep that they can’t even release a fart, which is some thing that we naturally should be able to do while sleeping since it’s essentially harmless. In theory, pooping and pissing are also sort of harmless if you really think about it, if we were caveman or whatever, living in the wild and didn’t have to wear clothing and white not And weren’t sleeping in beds and stuff then it wouldn’t really matter if we were pooping in pissing in the middle of the night as we slept. It’s literally that we’ve potty train ourselves or while our parents potty train us, to not do these things, but they don’t train us to not fart. It’s just that some children take the no pooping subconsciously so well that they’re calling won’t allow itself to open even to release air.

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