Passing Gas while sleeping but not releasing a bowel movement


How does the body pass gas’s when sleeping but contain motor control to the muscles regulating bowel movements at the same time? In other words, how can we continue sleeping and pass gas, but not shart the bed?
Secondly, what mechanism makes us wake up to go the the bathroom if it’s serious enough to actually have a bowel movement (like if we were suffering from diarrhea and sick?). Same applies to urinating? How does the body know to hold it in, but when serious enough, wake us up?

In: 277

16 Answers

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ELI5: The tube that contains our poop is able to sense between farts (gas), diarrhea (liquid), and poops (solids). It help us fart but not poop our pants. Although sometimes you trust a fart and your poop sampler makes a mistake and you poop a little.


The rectoanal inhibitory reflex (RAIR) (also known as the anal sampling mechanism, anal sampling reflex, rectosphincteric reflex, or anorectal sampling reflex) is a reflex characterized by a transient involuntary relaxation of the internal anal sphincter in response to distention of the rectum.[1] The RAIR provides the upper anal canal with the ability to discriminate between flatus and fecal material.

The ability of the rectum to discriminate between gaseous, liquid and solid contents is essential to the ability to voluntarily control defecation. The RAIR allows for voluntary flatulation to occur without also eliminating solid waste, irrespective of the presence of fecal material in the anal canal

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