Passing Gas while sleeping but not releasing a bowel movement


How does the body pass gas’s when sleeping but contain motor control to the muscles regulating bowel movements at the same time? In other words, how can we continue sleeping and pass gas, but not shart the bed?
Secondly, what mechanism makes us wake up to go the the bathroom if it’s serious enough to actually have a bowel movement (like if we were suffering from diarrhea and sick?). Same applies to urinating? How does the body know to hold it in, but when serious enough, wake us up?

In: 277

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like when you’re extremely anxious about something that you have to wake up early for, and despite having an alarm, you wake up earlier than the alarm.
Your brain is never fully shut, because of instincts (like sensing danger /stupid example but get the point/), so it sets “diarrhea” as a danger to the body, so it wakes you up, or same with full bladder, you wake up from your deep slumber to go pee.
The hooman body is fascinating.
(english is not my first language, so if something is wrong, correct me).

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