people and/or companies that “sell people’s data”, what does that mean exactly? like what exactly are they selling, and who’s buying it and what do they do with it after purchase?


people and/or companies that “sell people’s data”, what does that mean exactly? like what exactly are they selling, and who’s buying it and what do they do with it after purchase?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your data includes: products you’ve looked at or bought online. Websites you’ve visited. Where you live, work, eat. Physical stores you’ve visited. How much you make. Who you pay your mortgage to. Who you are related to and your friend groups. What type of car you drive. What kind of pizza you want, the route you take to work.

Companies that want to sell you stuff want this data. By knowing more about you they can craft messages more likely to induce you to buy their products.

Political campaigns want this data to know how to market their candidate to you. Employers want it to know how likely you are to be a good employee. Insurance companies want to know if you are engaged in risky behavior. .. and certain governments, like China, want to know if you are going to be a problem.

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