Basically every idea you have you write it on a note card and create an indexing system where you point to ideas that are connected.
Say you think of “LEGOs are a brickbuilding system” you write that and its associated ideas on a card. Tomorrow you have an idea about brickmaking methods and kilns, so you write that down and make a connection between those two cards. Then you write something about ancient pizza ovens and you connect it to both LEGOs and kilns.
At the end — supposedly — you’ll have this “analogue brain” where you have downloaded all of your “best” ideas into the Zettelkasten and created a physical database.
From that point you can write a book, or a paper, or a theory and all of your ideas are there, with notes that connect one idea to another for referencing.
I’ve never done this, but I was following this totally psycho chad entrepreneur on social media and it was all he talked about, so I wound up learning a lot.
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