please explain orders of magnitude


Is an order of magnitude simply 10x bigger or smaller and 2 orders of magnitude simply 100x bigger or smaller. If this is correct why not simply say 10x or 100x bigger/smaller?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeah that’s literally what it is.

If someone says something is orders of magnitude bigger, if whatever they’re starting with is, I don’t know, 1000-and-something of whatever it is, then the bigger thing will be 10,000 or 100,000.

It’s just a short way of saying very imprecisely that something is a lot bigger, but giving more information than just ‘a lot bigger’

If something is 100 feet tall, something 150 feet tall **is** a lot bigger, depending on your perspective. Hell, 200 feet. 500 feet.

Someone says it’s orders of magnitude bigger, then you know instantly that it’s way more than that.

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