Please explain what cold bloodedness and warm bloodedness means. Like what’s the relationship between moving a lot and having a lot of fur or feathers?


Please explain what cold bloodedness and warm bloodedness means. Like what’s the relationship between moving a lot and having a lot of fur or feathers?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you are warm-blooded, does it mean that your body is able to maintain a temperature on its own. While coldblooded only can maintain their body temperature by something from outside is providing the heat or cooling.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cold-blooded animals are the animals that are not capable of regulating their body’s temperature according to the temperature of the surrounding environment – example) a snake will lay in a warm area w sun to warm up because it’s body doesn’t produce its own suffecient heat.

Warm-blooded animals are the animals that are capable of maintaining a nearly constant body temperature irrespective of the temperature of the environment. Ex) Whether it’s 20 degrees out or 90 degrees the human body will stay at a consistent 98ish degrees ( or whatever your core temperature is) irregardless of your environment and will fight physiologically to stay in that range.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Warm blooded means you make your own heat to stay at a comfortable temperature. Cold blooded means your body doesn’t have a mechanism to produce its own heat. Cold blooded needs heat sources to stay at a good operating temp like a sun.

If you have fur/ feathers the sun can’t reach you as efficiently so you can’t warm up as quickly that’s why cold blooded usually don’t have them. It’s the opposite for warm blooded. It keeps the heat in

Anonymous 0 Comments

Warm blooded: the body maintains a specific internal temperature and dies if the temperature drops by more than a slight amount.

Cold blooded: the body’s temperature vary with the environment and can fluctuate widely.

The big advantage to warm-bloodedness is the ability to maintain a high level of activity in a wide variety of temperature. But that comes at the cost of needing a lot more food to be eaten.

The big advantage of cold bloodedness is not needing to eat food to maintain body temp, but that comes at the cost of not having much motion or energy at low temps.