products like Lysol claim to kill germs. How does it do that?


products like Lysol claim to kill germs. How does it do that?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Germs” can’t survive in high concentrations of alcohol.

Certain cleaners contain anti-fungal or anti-bacterial agents also, which are different chemicals that kill fungus or bacteria.

Bleach kills most living cells of anything, so bleach is a widely used “germ killer”.

Depending on the product, it can have different things in it that actively attack and destroy “germs”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically it damages the makeup of the organism in some way – breaking down the outer layer, damaging its method of transportation or preventing replication.

Like with the big C right now – it’s outer layer is lipids. Fat. Which is why you can defeat it on surfaces with soap and water! The soap breaks down the outer lipid layer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lysol’s (and most of other commercial disinfectants) active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. Basically, the disinfectants dissolve the lipids in the membrane of bacteria/fungi and in the envelope of the virus, thereby killing the cells and/or inactivating the viral particles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lysol contains hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to most things. Hydrogen peroxide releases these things called hydroxyl free radicals which are kind of like little bullets shot at germs. These bullets can damage the cell membrane, which is the protective layer around a virus or bacteria cell, the DNA, which tells the cell how to operate, or really any other part of the cell.

Edit: Not all Lysol’s have hydrogen peroxide, some have benzalkonium chloride. This chemical is supposed to work by disrupting the negatively charged part of the lipid bilayer. In simpler terms, the chemical is positive and pulls the negative part of the cells protective coating off, breaking it down. This chemical isn’t always effective though and has shown that it is less likely to destroy viruses such as coronavirus than alcohols or hydrogen peroxide.