[Psychiatry] MADD and dysthymia


Hello guys,

I was wondering whether anyone can explain me how those both disorders from the title differ.

If you have MADD, is it a specific kind of depression, or is it dysthymia + anxiety (or maybe MDD and anxiety), or is it something completely different?

Most sources I encounter don’t mention anything or tackle the issue of PDD vs. MDD, which is not really an answer to my question.

Thank you very much in advance.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best place to differentiate the two disorders would be in the [DSM V Dysthymia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519704/table/ch3.t6/) and [DSM V MDD](http://www.medicaidmentalhealth.org/_assets/file/Guidelines/2017-2018%20Treatment%20of%20Adult%20Major%20Depressive%20Disorder.pdf) . The DSM V is the Diagnostic Statistical Manuel used by doctors and psychologists to assist in the diagnosis of patients.

MDD is typically diagnosed when 5 of the 9 (SIG E CAPS) symptoms are met over at least a 2 week period

Sleep – insomnia
Interest – anhedonia or loss of interest in activities
Energy – Low energy
Concentration – difficulty concentrating
Appetite – changes in appetite either eating more or less
Psychomotor – changes in motor functions
Suicide – suicidal ideation or attempts

PDD (dysthymia) is similar in symptoms but a major distinguishing feature is that it requires 2 years of symptoms with symptoms occurring for more days than not. In most cases the depressive symptoms are relatively less severe than MDD but persist for more time.

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