relationship between color and heat absorption


Soo like I’ve been told if I was to wear white during day time I’ll stay cooler compared to wearing black cuz it’s able to reflect sun’s heat radiation much better.

Now let’s say I’m in a sauna without the water thing to make the air moist …the heater will still heat up the room via heat radiation right…..will the color of fabric I wear inside affect how quickly I’m absorbing heat ….wearing white will slow heat absorption and wearing black will speed up heat absorption?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, in the sauna you get heat mostly from the hot air, not from the light so it doesn’t matter much what color are you wearing.

Although if your clothes are mostly airtight it’ll slow you heating up. You can see that in firefighter’s gear – it’s made of several layers preventing hot air from the outside getting to the body.

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