Riemann Hypothesis


can someone explain the “Riemann Hypothesis” to me? because I tried to Google it, & it just left me even more confused. also why is it a big deal that someone solved it or proved it wrong or whatever.

*the numbers mason, what do they mean?*

In: Mathematics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a mathematical function called the Riemann Zeta function. It is known that all the zeros of this function (the inputs that result in a zero from the function) come from negative even integers, and a certain range of complex numbers. The Riemann Hypothesis basically says that the actual limit of the values that produce a zero from the function is even stricter than is currently provable.

If true it has several implications for the distributions of prime numbers. It’s largely expected to be true (no counter examples have yet been discovered) but thus far no one can actually prove it to be true.

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