Serotonin is the hormone what makes us happy, so why aren’t we just injecting it into our body/taking it as tablets to get out of misery on command?


Serotonin is the hormone what makes us happy, so why aren’t we just injecting it into our body/taking it as tablets to get out of misery on command?

In: Biology

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your computer runs on electricity. Why can’t you just shove more electricity in, and get a faster computer?

Because the system we know about is 50x more complicated than that. Shoving more serotonin in would undoubtedly have both short term and long term side effects that we don’t want.

Plus, we know there’s a bunch of stuff about the neurotransmitter/mood/brain system that we don’t understand or even know about yet. So in reality, it’s probably 250x more complicated than just shoving more serotonin in.

And that’s not even scratching the moral/legal/ethical discussion. Let’s say we figured out how the neurotransmitter/mood/brain thing worked in the finest detail. Further, let’s say that if we just dumped chemical x in the water supply, everybody would be happy, and nice to each other. Would it be right to do that? Would it be right to even allow people to take the happy chemical every day for the rest of their life? How would that affect relationships? How would it affect society? Your kid dies or your wife leaves you and you don’t give a shit, because you’re just happy all the time. etc etc x 100.

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