I hear folks saying bugs are dying off because of changes in the environment, but shouldn’t bugs be some of the best equipped to handle changes? I imagine they reproduce faster than humans, and so I’d think their genes could adjust faster as well. You’d think we’d be having a worse time than bugs as the environment changes?
In: Biology
You know how people talk about how natural selection and environmental pressures are drivers of evolution? Well the climate changing is a pretty big pressure, and the non-adapted species dying off is a crucial part of that equation. The ones *that are left* will be the ones who are more adapted to handle the new environment, and them and their offspring will continue to pass down those traits.
You don’t get rapid evolution due to environmental pressures *without* also the dying off of the rest of the unadapted population. The thing that’s confusing you is literally the answer. It is happening, you’re just seeing the start of the process.
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