Shouldn’t we be putting HEPA filters on every air conditioner and heater? Don’t HEPA filters take viruses out of the air?


Shouldn’t we be putting HEPA filters on every air conditioner and heater? Don’t HEPA filters take viruses out of the air?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This makes a couple assumptions, like every place having forced-air HVAC. A lot of factories don’t outside of offices. It also depends on that HVAC operating, which most will regularly cycle on and off, or maybe even just be turned off, weather permitting. It also makes the assumption that all air will go through the system and thus be filtered. It doesn’t because it doesn’t have to, HVAC systems will typically just naturally mix hot/cold air with the ambient air at the outlets and let it all just kinda diffuse itself out and about.

Also, HEPA filters are usually expensive, and you would need a hell of a lot of air systems of adequate capacity and thus HEPA filters of adequate capacity to get any appreciable effect in, say, the 30-40 million cubic feet of space in the plant I used to work at.

The cost:benefit ratio just isn’t there 99% of the time. Spending that money on some basic polypropylene masks and adequate supplies of hand soap and cleaning agents for shared tools/computers/controls, and pushing hard on hand washing and self-accountability would have a much better effect at minimizing everyone’s risk.

To that end on the handwashing, the food industry has been teaching employees the best possible practice for years. From length of time and warm water, to even saying to use the paper towels to turn the faucet off (dirty hands turn it on after all) and even to grab the door handle with.

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