Simple Verse form


I have a listening quiz tomorrow, and im new to everything about music. I understand that a ‘simple verse chorus form’ is just like a normal song – but my prof wants me to identify a simple verse form just by listening to it.

am I suppose to be paying attention to the lyrics? or the melody?

this may be so obvious but help im lost!!!

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The verse-chorus form goes verse-chorus-verse-chorus (however many times it needs). Each verse has the same melody, and each chorus has the same melody.

The simple verse-chorus form does this, plus it uses the same chord progression in the verse and in the chorus.

So listen to the lyrics and the chord progression, and you’ll find out if it’s simple or not. Also, if there’s a bridge, or anything else that breaks the pattern, it’s not simple.

I learned this here, just now:

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