Since our stomach acid is so strong, why does vomiting not scar our throat and mouth?


Since our stomach acid is so strong, why does vomiting not scar our throat and mouth?

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12 Answers

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It does cause damage to the throat and mouth (and other tissues). Take chronic GERD – over time it changes the cellular composition of the lower esophageal tissue (this is a form of metaplasia known as Barrett’s esophagus). Over time this metaplasia continues into an irreversible dysplasia, which is how you can end up with esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Acid corrosion can also be evidenced in bulimics, with enamel erosion. Other pathologies related to your question exist, but these are a few.

Why does vomiting once not cause issues? Because of the mucosal layer. It acts as a buffer. This is seen to fail when people take NSAIDs to the extent where the mucosal layer is eradicated (prostaglandins produce it) and you end up with stomach ulcers.

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