Since the Sun has an enormous gravity compared to that of the Earth, does that mean that if I were to travel on a spacecraft similar to NASA’s Parker probe I would age much slower and if so, how much?


Since the Sun has an enormous gravity compared to that of the Earth, does that mean that if I were to travel on a spacecraft similar to NASA’s Parker probe I would age much slower and if so, how much?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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At the Surface of the Sun time runs slower by a few seconds each year compared distant space. The Parker Probe comes within a few million km of the Sun but tens of millions at its furthest.

So, it’s going to not make much of a difference at all. You wouldn’t notice. As said, even if you were standing on the surface of the Sun and somehow survived it’d only be a few seconds each year. You wouldn’t live to see the distant future as it’d only add up to just minutes over a lifetime. And that’s on the surface of the Sun. The effect will drop off quickly with distance.

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