solving old cases like Jack the Ripper


I remember how i would hear, from time to time, that some new information about, lets say Jack the Ripper, appeared and the case about him changed on some way. Same thing on John Wilkes Booth, Napoleon and other people from way more than 100 years ago. How can something from so much time in the past still change? Wich kind of evidence is this and how people get it? Investigations are still happening? Can we trust the new information?

In: 20

5 Answers

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We sometimes come up with new ways of examining evidence like DNA and other stuff that wasn’t around at the time, for example if Jack the Ripper sent a letter we can pull DNA from where he licked it which we may not have been able to do even five years ago. That, and occasionally we find new articles of evidence to begin with. For example every now and then people find their great-grandparent’s scrapbook and find letters from historical figures that can be verified by historical experts.

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