Spoon theory


As the title said, could some please try and explain spoon theory to me? I’ve tried reading some posts and articles about it, but I still really don’t get what it is?

In: 3

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine everyone has to pay with spoons for doing something.

Have you ever played The Sims? Imagine a person with mood markers just like a Sim. When the mood markers go down, that’s spending spoons, like… working out makes you tired and sweaty so the energy and hygiene bars will go down, because you’ve spent the energy and good hygiene while working out.

Essentially that’s what spoon theory is. You start the day with a certain amount of imaginary spoons and pay for tasks with certain amounts of spoons. For me personally on a good day I’ll probably have 12-15 spoons. Being at work if it’s a slow day can use 5 spoons, if it’s a bad and busy day it’ll use more. Having a shower will use 5 spoons, more if I need to shave or wash my hair. Watching TV might use 3 spoons, a phone call might be 6 spoons. And so on.

When you run out of spoons, you’re too fatigued/in pain/mentally burned out to do anything else. Resting can help replenish spoons but only if it’s a good rest. Kind of again like Sims, if you wake them up before their energy bar refills they start the day with already depleted energy, if you don’t get a good rest the you can start the day with less spoons than “normal”.

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