Spoon theory


As the title said, could some please try and explain spoon theory to me? I’ve tried reading some posts and articles about it, but I still really don’t get what it is?

In: 3

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not really a “theory”, rather just a way to illustrate that someone living with a disability or chronic disease might only have so much energy to do everything that needs to be done in a day, and so they need to budget, decide what to expend energy on.

The “spoons” were just because in the original telling of the story, the person telling it used the nearest thing at hand to illustrate, which was a handful of spoons from the kitchen. Their point was that the handful of spoons represents the energy they have for the day, and every activity costs a certain number of spoons. So do you brush your teeth? Do you shower? Do you go grocery shopping? How much are you willing to skip to save up enough energy to go to the party tonight? How do you spend your limited energy? Which activities do you do, and which ones do you skip?

That’s all it is.

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