Spoon theory


As the title said, could some please try and explain spoon theory to me? I’ve tried reading some posts and articles about it, but I still really don’t get what it is?

In: 3

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine that everything you do costs something. From taking a shower, to answering a phone call, to preparing food, going to work, those all cost energy. Let’s say all of those cost one spoon. We use spoons as sort of a metaphor for that energy, something we can look at and count.

For most people, they have enough spoons (enough energy) to do all the things they want to do. Spend 1 spoon to get out of bed, 1 spoon to brush your teeth, 1 spoon to get dressed, 1 spoon to eat breakfast, 1 spoon to drive to work, 1 spoon for each person you need to talk to at work, 1 spoon to order lunch, 1 spoon to attend a meeting, 1 spoon to talk to a client, and so on.

If you have lots of spoons, that’s not a problem. And most people have lots of spoons.

But some people don’t have a lot of spoons. They don’t have as much energy, or the amount of energy they have can vary a lot from day to day.

If you only have 10 spoons, you have to choose what to spend them on. If you spend a spoon on cleaning your room, you then don’t have that spoon to use on buying groceries. If you use a spoon on folding your laundry, you will run out of energy later when you need to finish a project at work. It’s not that you’re lazy, or that you don’t care, but that you genuinely don’t have the “spoons”, the mental energy to do everything you need to do.

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