“Stealth” Drones. How can a drone be “stealthy” if it must be constantly transmitting data in order to be remotely operated? Isn’t radio silence a requirement for stealth in the modern battlefield?


“Stealth” Drones. How can a drone be “stealthy” if it must be constantly transmitting data in order to be remotely operated? Isn’t radio silence a requirement for stealth in the modern battlefield?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to what was already said, dont forget that you can have the drone operating semi- or fully antonomously., alternativelly it can have a designated area of such mode of operation.

This can mean that there is little radio traffic.

In theory tou could also use point to point comms, like a laser line, as well. Tho I dont know if any operational drones use that.

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