That scene in Iron Man 2 when Tony Stark ‘creates a new element’. Is something like that possible, and how?


That scene in Iron Man 2 when Tony Stark ‘creates a new element’. Is something like that possible, and how?

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, if we had technology that could keep an atom stable when removing electrons and with enough power to do so without creating an atom bomb explosion in the process. Then while adding electrons and protons to find a stable element in chosen environmental condition.

Remember Tony has Nanomachines and could manipulate machines at the atomic level.

There is quantum sized research and theories as well as Pim far far back in the past was able to reach the quantum level meaning technology could easily manipulate at the atomic level.

We right now barely are at the nano we are 3 generations of technology behind compared to marvel technology.

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