The “Atomic Habits” method of self-development.


I understand that it’s about making small but consistent changes that compound over time, but I can’t quite seem to grasp how to put it into action. For some reason, no one who discusses gives an example of how they use it, say, in their morning routine. It’s supposed to be so simple, so I’m not sure why I’m having difficulty getting it.

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The more effective part of the “Atomic Habits” method for me was focus on the keystone habit, which may be different for everyone. For me, it was exercise. When I exercise in the morning and make it a priority, I feel much better throughout the day and start off the day strong rather than thinking about all the things that I need to do and already feeling on the back foot. I now go for a run frequently early in the morning, and I am one of the least morning persons out there.

I know this is the most impactful part of the book for me because I find when I fall off that schedule, I lapse back into my poor habits, doom scrolling Reddit, and revenge bedtime procrastination.

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